Thursday 22 May 2014

"We need a fence!"

We got the call... "You're top of the list and can move in at the end of November!"

So, come December, we ventured down to our new plot to see what we'd got. First impression was, "Christ, that's going to take some weeding!" Not because the previous tenants had left it in a state, quite the contrary, but because there was 150m2 of open soil and clearly we weren't going to be doing too much over the winter months!

We'd been left rhubarb, a decent sized strawberry bed, and about 30 raspberry bushes (you can enjoy my loathing of those buggers in a few posts time!), together with various lengths of blue piping (huh?), and a half full compost bin made from 3 old pallets.

The one thing the plot didn't have was a fence, but that's not the end of the world - I wrongly thought!

We'd already been talking about what to grow, and had decided that we'd only grow what we eat, nothing fancy, or anything that would go to waste! We mentally decided what was going where and cleared a corner for some over winter onions, garlic, and greens; cabbages, cauli, spinach, and kale.

SJ had already bought some plugs - eager to get cracking - and we were ready to jump in at the deep end. We did some clearing, marked out 3 reasonable beds in one corner, and got digging and planting.

Our first day was great fun, the children were with grandma and grandad, and we could enjoy some time together and doing something useful... All went great, the plugs were planted in perfect little rows, and all was good in our new green world.

Now, my biggest tip to beginners out there is get to know those around you, and always pass the time of day. It is amazing what you can pick up, and everyone is always willing to help and share - and on our first day, the lady in the next plot was invaluable, "Cover them, or the rabbits will have them!"

"Do you think?","For sure!" - Our allotment is in the countryside, and surrounded on all sides by farmland, with just one house nearby, it is an absolute haven for wildlife, and hungry ones at that!

We found out the hard way that the local rabbits and deer thought Christmas had come early, and the very next day, they'd gorged themselves on 70 plants! Luckily, they don't have a taste for onions!

Even with a lend of some wire cages and chicken wire to block the ends from our kind neighbour, the little buggers had had the lot!

Decision made... "We need a fence!"

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Why are we growing our own - and why are we writing about it?

This year, we decided to get ourselves a real allotment. We've dabbled with growing various bits of veg at home over the last 5 years, but for the cost of an allotment and the benefits it gives you, it's a 'no brainer' really!

That is, a no brainer if you're prepared to put in time and effort in all weathers - especially if you live in the UK!

That said, do I think the time, effort, and some associated costs outweigh just buying our staple fruit and veg at the grocers? Probably not, but to be honest with you, I'm doing this for my family and myself, not my pocket! (and it is bloody good fun, is relaxing, and I suspect keeps me a bit healthier to boot!)

And, why write about the experience? Well, why not... We are going to win some and lose some over the coming years. We're going to make some monumental cock-ups, and triumph when we least expect it. We're going to learn, and we're going to remember; so let's share the experience fully and honestly so that others will laugh, cheer, and benefit from our wins and losses!

I am starting this blog as we are some 6 months into ownership, but we'll soon get up to date, and I will recap what we've done so far in 2014 since we started, and in the order of events - the post dates will be out for a while, but we've kept a written diary, so the dates quoted will be good!

Us? Well, we are a family of four, with two young children, and we're all veg freaks - especially 'Greens'! My wife doesn't mind getting stuck in - as glamorous as she is - and the children will get as dirty as we let them!

I hope you find these memoirs useful as they evolve, and if my failures become your wins,  and I just make you chuckle now and again, I'll be a happy boy!
